Schools Celebrate FatherDaughter Relationships

By: Ashley Dinkel

Staff Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

Tim McGillivray

Photo Description:

Participants at the Honey Hollow’s Male Hero and Daughter Dance danced together for a special moment.

Father/daughter dances are not just something that happens in movies but something that has been happening at elementary schools in the Moreno Valley Unified School District. Hand-in-hand, young girls and their fathers, or male figures in their lives, have come together for the opportunity to enjoy a father/daughter dance. Tim McGillivray, public information officer of the Moreno Valley Unified School District, said it is great to see the enthusiastic turnout of parents or other significant male figures in girls’ lives. McGillivray said dances have been held recently at Hendrick Ranch, Honey Hollow and other elementary schools. Pictured is the Honey Hollow’s Male Hero and Daughter Dance where participants danced together for a special moment. "How big a deal are events like these for students and parents? The many smartphones being used to capture the moment gives a good idea," McGillivray said.