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Healthcare Preparedness Top of Mind for Local Nursing Facilities

By Ruby Stephenson
Community Writer
08/28/2024 at 07:43 AM

The Department of Public Health’s Healthcare-Associated Infections and Infection Prevention (HAIIP) program collaborated with the Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency (ICEMA) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to provide emergency medical response information and environmental services training to skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and long-term care facilities (LTCF) infection preventionists and environmental service managers.

Over 30 participants attended and learned about the Healthcare Preparedness Planning Partnership. This partnership helps healthcare facilities prepare for emergencies and disasters, such as outbreaks, earthquakes, power outages and fires. The training focused on collaboration, cooperation and sharing best practices to improve emergency response.

The HAIIP program is dedicated to helping SNFs, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities respond to outbreaks and maintain strong infection prevention programs. ICEMA is working to rebuild partnerships with these facilities to strengthen their emergency preparedness across San Bernardino County.

Additionally, CDPH provided environmental services (EVS) training to reduce the spread of infections in healthcare settings. This hands-on training taught participants how to implement effective infection control practices and included stations on topics like using disinfectants, cleaning carts, and maintaining sinks and drains. The “train-the-trainer” approach allows participants to share their new knowledge with others at their facilities, helping keep residents, staff and visitors safe. These initiatives are vital to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community’s most vulnerable residents.

For more information about current disease trends in San Bernardino County, visit the Communicable Disease Dashboard where you can explore the data and monitor the prevalence of various diseases including healthcare-associated infections. To learn more about the HAIIP program, call 1-800-722-4794 or email